Please register as the Primary Adult Leader (PAL) first - Complete all the information as a PAL. Once that is done, please click "Add Another Attendee" to register each additional adult or youth attendee.

If another shirt size is requested, please contact Cindy Hammerstrom  407-258-5042 to check availability of that size.  We will only be ordering adult sizes.  

The menu at the Joy Theater will be typical "High School"  food.  There will be food stations with various options available, on a first come-first served basis.  We are unsure at this point what accommodations can be made for food allergies, but please state them below and we will follow up with you.


If you are having issued with a credit card, please contact Laura Zirbel at [email protected] or 407-258-5053

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software